Why teach the “values ​​of life” at school? | Champs des Lys

Why teach the “values ​​of life” at school?

The following story helps to understand the importance of teaching the values of life in educational institutions.

“In the heart of Africa, in the kingdom of Batibo , lived a generous, just and respected prince named Bouba . He aspired to a better world for his people, a world without vice where love, justice, purity, peace and respect for the environment reign. He had received a very good education based on new knowledge, given carefully by a servant of the royal palace and a special adviser to the king.

However, his father, the king of Batibo , selfish and cynical was hostile to this sublime knowledge which teaches the principles of justice, love and peace, the Commandments of God, the laws of nature, the virtues and human qualities. . He despised and oppressed the people for decades, shamelessly plundered the main wealth of the kingdom, with the complicity of high dignitaries and foreign powers…

Prince Bouba , revolted and gagged, saw the people suffer in silence. One day, while the king was violently repressing a popular demonstration, he was stricken with severe paralysis and ceded power to Prince Bouba . Upon his accession to the throne, King Boubavisited all the regions of the kingdom, in order to know the extent of the crimes and the damage caused by his father during his reign. He felt great affliction listening to the cries of distress of the people starving and bruised by violence and injustice, observing the seriousness of the insalubrity and the abominations, the dilapidation of social equipment and infrastructures, the depravity of morals, deviance, the high level of crime, the consumption of drugs and narcotics in schools, corruption, abuse of authority, mismanagement and catastrophic management of public funds…

He saw that the evil was so deep that no human sanction could bring order and peace to the kingdom. The prisons were already overcrowded and full of innocent people. To ease tensions and get closer to the people, the king quickly organized a national forum to discuss the socio-political and economic situation of the country. He invited the representatives of each sector of activity and of the diaspora, the leaders of youth and student associations, the high dignitaries of the kingdom and the religious and military authorities.

For the first time, the people moved, felt close to their sovereign and humbly presented their concerns to him. The king promised a new and good governance, then revealed to the participants, that the real causes of despotism, theft, waste of wealth, misery, all the offenses and crimes of which the people were victims were ignorance and failure to respect the laws of nature and human values. He tried to make people understand, by means of examples, that the intellectual knowledge acquired in educational institutions and universities did not make any man better, if he did not also possess the knowledge of the Laws of Nature, of the Ten Commandments of God, virtues and human qualities and put them into practice. He reminded the participants that the kingdom had been governed for decades by brilliant intellectuals, most of whom were perpetrators of many serious crimes, abominations and heinous crimes, plunging the people in suffering and misery, believing themselves above the laws of the country and unaware that sooner or later they will suffer severe punishments in accordance with the divine law of sowing and harvesting… 

During the closing ceremony of the forum, he presented his social project to the people , then insisted on the teaching of human values ​​from early childhood, aware of the beneficial effects that such an education based on the development of moral and spiritual values could bring to the whole nation, indeed to all of humanity. He revealed with unshakable conviction that knowing and respecting these life valueswould have allowed every human being from an early age, to know himself and his place among other creatures, to know his rights and his duties, to love his neighbour, to lead a healthy life, to blossom properly , to succeed honestly, to avoid evil, to be esteemed in society, to participate in development and to be able to exercise high positions of responsibility in the country and everywhere on Earth… 

To this end, he decreed the insertion of the teaching of the “Values ​​of life” in the school programs of all teaching cycles, as well as in associative circles, in order to combat incivility, to raise the level morale and spirituality of the people of Batibo and to build a prosperous and peaceful nation where love, justice and purity reign…”

The need for teaching “life values” to learners 

Humanity has lived on Earth for millions of years. From the outset, it received many faculties and innumerable moral and spiritual values ​​to develop and contribute actively to the evolution of creation. During the first phase of its history, it gradually developed these noble faculties and respected human values, in order to flourish, to sow joy around it, to spread beauty, peace and harmony everywhere on Earth. However, for several thousand years, a part of humanity has introduced false values ​​that have spread destructively in the world, causing conflict, failure, ugliness, suffering and misery everywhere. However, to succeed with dignity in their existence, to find true joy, beauty, love and peace,the order and the high values ​​established by the Creator since the origin of Creation. However, to achieve this, one must know what it really means to live.

What is Life?

According to the Petit Robert dictionary 1 , life is a ” space of time between the birth and the death of an individual “. This definition is incomplete, since a fetus in its mother’s womb is alive before birth. Likewise, the human being as ” spirit ” continues to live after the destruction of his physical body following death. 

Indeed, ” Life, true Life is something absolutely independent, something that exists in itself… Now, this Life exists only in God “. All living beings receive a spark of life from God and manifest that life through their physical bodies in daily activities, through deeds, words, thoughts and intuitions.

What is a living being?

A living being is a creature that carries a spark of life given by God . It is a being that can move personally, nourish itself, reproduce or serve as a receptacle (envelope) for the birth of another living being. There are several kinds of living beings including humans , animals , bacteria , human cells , nature beings , etc.

What makes humans different from other living beings?

The human being differs from other living beings by his particular physical characteristics (the shape of his body and his ability to stand permanently, etc.), his exceptional intellectual faculties such as thought, speech, reflection, reasoning, invention…, his spiritual gender personality ( the true human being is a spirit in a physical body), human values ​​( e.g. virtues and spiritual qualities), the faculty of “free will” or “free will »(i.e. the ability to freely make a personal decision) . No living being apart from the human being possesses all these gifts and particularly this faculty of “resolving to be active or inactive”, to evolve or not to evolve, to go in the right direction or in the wrong direction. , to respect or not to respect a “value of life”. All other living beings respect the values ​​of life and live normally within the meaning of divine laws.

What do we call “value of life”?

A value of life is a quality expressed by a worthy person (in the moral, intellectual, spiritual or professional field) during his existence . We can also define a “ value of life ” as  a quality allowing a person who expresses it in his actions, to be worthy of esteem and to be happy during his life . It essentially concerns what is pure, true, just, beautiful, good and in accordance with divine laws

The values ​​of life are many and varied. By way of examples, we can cite:

  • Laws of nature or laws of creation 

The laws of nature are “ a set of rules established by God from the beginning to ensure order and discipline in creation ”. They express the Will of God and guarantee justice and harmony in all creation. They are immutable, eternal and incorruptible. 

  • The Ten Commandments of God 

The Ten Commandments of God are divine laws received and given to the Jewish people by Moses around 1500 years before the birth of Jesus Christ . They are normally intended for all human beings on Earth and are intended to help humanity find the right path, so as not to suffer the harmful consequences of constant violations of the laws of nature. 

  • Virtues and human qualities

Virtues and human qualities are faculties expressed by a person who performs an act in accordance with the laws of nature . They are numerous and spread throughout the entire creation like seeds in human souls who aspire to lead an exemplary life and to practice goodness in all its forms. As examples , we can cite the following qualities: love, justice, peace, purity, humility, obedience, respect, cleanliness, etc.

What is the use of life values ​​in creation?

The values ​​of lifehave a divine origin. They are helpful graces made available to human beings who sincerely aspire to lead a just and peaceful life, to develop, ennoble themselves and make creation evolve. They allow human beings to know their deep nature, their place and their mission in the universe, to understand the importance, meaning and purpose of earthly life, as well as the causes of failure and the key success, to discover one’s gifts, qualities and faults, to recognize the path that leads to God or to darkness, to love one’s neighbor and to live in harmony with other creatures, to flourish and succeed honestly , to participate with dignity in the development of one’s environment, to be respected in society regardless of one’s type of activity,

The respect and daily practice of these values ​​of life constitute the foundation of all harmonious life and the development of the personality of every human being. It is these moral and spiritual qualities, also called human values , which allow a person in human form to become a ” true human being ” (that is, a true “human being” who pleases God ) and to having self-esteem and respect for others during one’s life.

What are the consequences of not respecting or losing the values ​​of life?

The values ​​of life are part of the graces received from the beginning by each human being, to develop his gifts in the right way and succeed in his activities, in order to accomplish his mission on Earth in the direction willed by God. The fact of not recognizing these values ​​or flouting them during one’s existence plunges the human being, even the whole of humanity, into an indescribable chaos.

As a result, the culprit can no longer tell the difference between good and evil. He has difficult contacts with his neighbour, and is more concerned with what people think of him than with what God thinks of him. He believes in everything the media says and rejects discernment. He lives in confusion, adopts false values ​​(hate, injustice, theft, dirt, lies…) and can attack or kill without emotion ( parents, friends, children, babies or strangers) by practicing suicide, abortions, assassinations, attacks, wars, etc. Ignorance or the constant violation of the values ​​of life also leads to distrust, lack of self-confidence, repeated failures, anguish, suffering, misery, various abuses, corruption, deviance, darkness , etc.

Consequently, to avoid being guilty or victim of all these violences and abominations, each human being is obliged to identify and assimilate the moral and spiritual values ​​that characterize the human species , to use them in the right way, in order to lead a happy existence and to participate in the construction of a better world similar to Paradise where love, justice and peace reign permanently.

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