How to pass a school year? | Champs des Lys

How to pass a school year?

Pupils generally wait with great emotion for the presentation of the annual reports and the proclamation of the results of the certification examinations at the end of the school year. Those who have studied well and done exemplary work during the school year often seem serene and confident, while learners who rely on luck are uncertain, anxious and irritable due to poor behavior displayed during learning activities and assessments.

This feverish expectation leaves no one indifferent. Parents, students and teachers consult each other and make promises. Excitement reached its climax when the results were announced. The best students are applauded, congratulated and rewarded, while silence, recriminations, insults and sometimes sanctions accompany those who have failed. Everywhere, people shamelessly criticize the still high failure rates.

However, one who vehemently criticizes exam results rarely bothers to objectively and rigorously examine the root causes of failure. He does not take a retrospective look at the annual school career of many candidates, to discover the real cause of their failure. Indeed, success or failure in exams often does not reflect the real intellectual level of the candidate, nor the amount of effort provided during the school year. It depends on many factors of a material and subtle nature, knowledge and control of which would enable learners and educators to significantly reduce failure rates in all educational institutions.

For example, we sometimes discover in educational environments poor or frustrated pupils, confronted with health and nutrition problems, family conflicts, bullying from their comrades, the absence or insufficiency of school supplies. , learning difficulties and injustices… They make a lot of effort to copy the lessons and study the lessons, but often fail to retain the essentials. They try daily to manage their study time well, to develop good working methods and obtain only mixed results during homework and certification exams. Some redouble their efforts in studies and research to succeed at all costs, while others become discouraged and go down wrong paths such as the illicit trade in grades,

These major difficulties are added to the risky behavior of many students who jeopardize the success of their school year despite warnings, sanctions and advice from educators. However, until students, parents and teachers take steps to eliminate these erroneous behaviors, test results will never live up to expectations.

What risky behaviors lead to failure?

In general, the school year lasts 9 months devoted to teaching-learning activities and assessments, with some interruption sequences granted to declared holidays, after-school and extra-curricular activities and holidays. During this period of teaching-learning, learners have the duty to be assiduous, punctual, disciplined, orderly and obedient in their educational institution.

However, when we consult the educational and disciplinary documents of several schools, we discover trivial or serious facts, as well as risky behavior of students whose frequency exposes their authors to failure. These include high rates of lateness and absenteeism, chatter and distraction in class, undone homework, cheating, disregard for certain subjects and teachers, lack of interest in scientific or literary research, etc.

We can also deplore the laziness and negligence of many learners, the absence of teaching materials, the search for ease, vandalism, loitering, the consumption of narcotics and drugs, trickery, bad sexual orientation and deviance, unprotected culpable relationships between students, early pregnancies, misuse of telephones and audio-visual equipment (abuse of television, social networks, video games, etc.) which result in a waste of energy and time studies…

In addition, some do not know how to plan their study time after leaving school. They often study alone or in groups, with people who have no affinity with them or no complementarity. Ignorance of their personal aptitudes, of their predominant type of memory, of the meaning of life and of the real purpose of school sometimes pushes them to choose arbitrarily series or streams that are incompatible with their deep nature.

What are the consequences of these risky behaviors?

The student’s behavior at home, in the street or in his school has a considerable negative impact on the progress of his studies and his results at the end of the school year. He exposes himself to negative sanctions (warning, reprimand, temporary or permanent exclusion) and to obtaining bad grades. This results in training at a discount, repeated conflicts with peers, supervisory staff, teachers and parents, mediocrity, failure, school dropout, delinquency, discouragement of parents and educators who henceforth refrain from making unnecessary sacrifices for malicious students.

What are the requirements to pass a school year?

To succeed in a school year, you have to avoid improvisations and waste of time. Intellectual work is prepared physically, psychically, spiritually and strategically.

On the material level,lessons and study hours should be in a well-ventilated, clean, dust-free, mould-free, well-lit and quiet place or room (away from noise) to increase performance and avoid wasting energy. In a school environment, the learner who wants to succeed and obtain good results in the exams has the duty to submit to punctuality, attendance, attentive participation in lessons and good note-taking in class (although write and write down the main ideas in a notebook), to have your teaching materials and to use them judiciously in class and at home, to dress and wear shoes suitably and decently (avoid “sexy” clothes that arouses envy and lust,

To understand a lesson, he must sit correctly in class, straightening his spine, wiggling his toes from time to time and moving all the joints of the body in order to facilitate the circulation of blood in the organism and the nervous system, follow the teacher’s explanations carefully during class, without being distracted by external events (chatter, talk, various games, etc.), worries, classmates or drowsiness. He must strive to answer intelligently all the questions asked in class by the teachers, process the exercises done on the blackboard, have the courage to ask questions or ask the teachers for clarification.

Back home, the student must reread his notes taken in class during the day, correct any mistakes and errors and look for definitions and explanations of difficult concepts and expressions in the dictionary or in specialized documents. However, in the event of absence from class, the learner is required to copy the lessons and complete his notebooks with the more assiduous classmates.

In addition, each student should know their main type of memory and use it well in class and at home (visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile or motor, gustatory, audio-visual memories, etc.), develop listening skills (learn to listen to yourself and to listen to others), cultivate inner calm and self-confidence, as well as a firm will to succeed (avoid thinking about failure), because ” There is no headwind for those who know where they are going! » and « Who wants can, but provided that the will is pure and sincere! He must establish “summary sheets” by chapter and by subject. These “cards” contain the detailed plan of the lesson (title and subtitles) and the essential ideas. They allow for good revision, especially when approaching evaluations. 

In terms of health , the state of health of the learner during the school year seriously influences his studies. He must be at the center of his concerns, because a perfect state of health makes it possible to face worries and moral trials, to attack daily activities with vigor, to study energetically for a long time, to increase tenfold the chances of success in all disciplines.

For this reason, it is essential to prevent and cure possible diseases in the learner, particularly viral diseases (flu, cold, rhinitis, covid-19), malaria, typhoid, migraine, constipation…, having to its permanent scope its treatment for its chronic ailments, its allergies, its disability as well as some usual medications (examples: Efferalgan, Paracetamol, etc.) for pain and headaches.

However, he must avoid self-medication, consult a doctor to find out his state of health, check that his various sense organs and especially the eyes and ears are working properly, get enough sleep (7 to 8 hours) depending on age and level of study and no later than 10 p.m., to wake up early to continue your studies, practice regular physical exercises or a little sport (walking, gymnastics, dance, relaxation, team sport without submitting to competition) .

In terms of food, the learner must know how to eat properly every day in order to get the most energy from the food consumed, because food plays a key role during studies. Indeed, like a machine, it needs energy to replace that lost at school, college or at home in the performance of its various tasks. These energy needs are provided by foods rich in carbohydrates , fats and proteins

However, he must also consume foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, trace elements and mineral salts ( Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Phosphorus, etc. ) to have a balanced diet. For this purpose, the foods to be preferred: water, cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat (white meat if possible), egg yolk, starches (without abuse), corn and peanuts, vegetable oils, honey, parsley, mint, coffee and tea from time to time without abuse… He must be aware “ that a hungry brain has no ears! and that ” He who eats with a full stomach digs his grave with his teeth!” ( Turkish proverb). Water being a very important element in the life of man, since it constitutes more than 70% of his weight, must be his first food. It is involved in a large number of chemical reactions in the body. It is for this reason that he should consume an average of 2 liters to 2.5 liters of water per day, including one liter in principle provided by natural foods, soups, milk or fruit juices.

In addition, the student who wants to succeed in his school year must avoid the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and any other type of drug harmful to the blood and the nervous system, limit the consumption of lemonades during meals (and if possible, avoid consuming them), promote regular bowel movements by daily consumption of foods rich in cellulose such as salads, vegetables, raw vegetables, fruits and by exercising the abdominal muscles, avoid overwork of the stomach by consuming only foods strictly necessary for the body (i.e. not eating out of snobbery to please or out of gluttony), respecting the rules of food hygiene in order to expose yourself as little as possible gastric ailments and various illnesses that disrupt the progress of his studies.

How should the student manage his study time and organize his work?

Study time management is a concern for many learners who navigate and jumble between class time in classrooms, group study, rehearsal classes, homework, chores, and hobbies. They have the impression of being overloaded by these multiple activities which absorb a lot of energy and make it difficult to really concentrate on preparing for the exams.

However, studies do not prevent them from doing housework, errands at home and play activities correctly. The student who takes care of his morale and his form, sets noble long-term, medium-term or short-term objectives and establishes for himself a realistic and effective action plan is assured of success. To this end, it recites the tasks to be done in order of urgency, importance and priority. He establishes a precise work program for the month, for the week or for the day.

To avoid wasting time and energy, as well as the accumulation of difficult or poorly understood lessons, daily preparation is necessary and essential. To do this, he must plan his work taking into account any difficulties on the material level (e.g. teaching material), on the psychological and sociological level (fear, fatigue, state of health, etc.) and the type predominant memory with which it is endowed. The development and monitoring of a good study schedule ( a house schedule) which also integrates time and types of leisure (rest, leisure, domestic chores, music, films, walks; sport, etc.) is essential. Reducing the time allocated to television, social networks, hobbies and eliminating dead time (gossip, video games, etc.) is required, as well as the distribution of lessons to be studied and homework to be done according to priorities ( from the simplest to the most complex ). 

As far as the working method is concerned , it must depend on the level of study and the main type of memory of the student. The latter must reread at home all the notes taken in class during the day and make any necessary corrections. The student absent from class must imperatively copy all the lessons and complete his notebooks with his more assiduous classmates, identify the difficulties concerning each lesson and seek help (in books, reading rooms, from classmates , elders, parents, teachers or specialists), train to deal with the tests of the old evaluations while respecting the normal conditions of composition (time, plan, argument and presentation).

Moreover, to acquire a good understanding in each subject of the study program, it is necessary to establish an excellent bibliography by discipline and to constitute its own documentation. It must be lively, of good quality, well organized, classified, operational and easily locatable.

The documentation includes, in addition to the lessons carefully copied in the notebooks and summary sheets, the educational annals of previous years, the tests and the answers, the newspapers, the press files, the reports of the seminars, the documentary films, the maps, rocks and a variety of hands-on materials. The acquisition of complete documentation and a library well supplied with books from all school or academic disciplines is rare. It is advisable to inventory the sources of additional external information: school libraries, public or private civil libraries, press rooms, documentation centres, research centres, etc.

Priority should be given to those which are most easily accessible and where the learner can work best in order to save time. In addition, “round tables”, conferences, radio or television broadcasts, people qualified in the student’s field of study or in the branches that are useful to him, nature, parents and friends are necessary to the success. Nothing should be overlooked.

On the moral and spiritual level , the learner who aspires to success in school and in life must identify, assimilate and respect the moral and spiritual values ​​which characterize a normal human being, in particular the love of God and neighbor. , purity, justice, modesty, honesty, respect, uprightness, obedience, peace, work, etc. Knowing and respecting these life values ​​allows him to assume his actions with full responsibility, being aware that by using them in the right way, he can enhance his gifts, flourish, succeed easily and ennobling those around you regardless of the difficulties encountered.

A caring and concerned student who follows the various recommendations, then puts them into practice in his daily life, encounters few difficulties in his studies during the school year. He easily obtains good results during evaluations and certification exams. On the other hand, the learner who progresses with difficulty in his studies and encounters failures after having correctly followed these practical advices, should consult an educational psychologist or another specialist in education for an assessment of his situation and a particular follow-up.

Of course, these tips are neither exhaustive nor universal. Their sole purpose is to help students who aspire to success to better manage their study time by drawing from it what is useful according to their personality, in order to obtain good academic results, with the awareness that what is appropriate to one does not necessarily suit the other. The German writer, Abd-ru-shin profoundly reveals this in the following way on page 29 of volume 2 of his work, In the Light of Truth, Grail Message:

“Think: what suits one does not suit all! What is useful to one may be harmful to another. Everyone must go their own way in order to improve themselves. The equipment he has for this purpose are the faculties he carries within him. It is according to them that he must direct himself, it is on them that he must build! If he doesn’t, he remains a stranger to himself, he will always miss what he has learned, and which will never be able to come alive in him. Any profit is thus excluded for him. He vegetates and it is impossible for him to progress. »

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